Hotels Nearby
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Ca' Nigra Lagoon Resort
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Antica Locanda al Gambero
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Venice Palazzo Orseolo
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Hotel Kette
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Hotel San Gallo
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Rimon Place-Kosher
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Hotel Campiello
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Different Locations in Venice city centre, Venice, 30123 (show map)
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Hotel Overview
Rialto Project Apartments is set in different locations in central Venice. It offers elegantly furnished apartments with free Wi-Fi.
All air conditioned, the apartments feature a TV, and a living/dining area with fully equipped kitchen. They have a dishwasher, a microwave and a bathroom with hairdryer. Check-in is directly at your apartment.
You can enjoy local and seafood specialities in the numerous cafés and restaurants in the area. Saint Mark's Square and the Rialto Bridge are easily reachable on foot.
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Hotels Nearby
Hotel Gorizia a La Valigia
Distance : 0.57 KM
Ca' Nigra Lagoon Resort
Distance : 0.58 KM
Antica Locanda al Gambero
Distance : 0.59 KM
Venice Palazzo Orseolo
Distance : 0.61 KM
Hotel Kette
Distance : 0.62 KM
Hotel San Gallo
Distance : 0.66 KM
Rimon Place-Kosher
Distance : 0.87 KM
Hotel Campiello
Distance : 1.08 KM