Hotels Nearby
Villa Mia Boutique
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Casa Norte North Beach
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Bungalows Rupay Wasi
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Hotel Puerto Antiguo
Distance : 0.45 KM
Edelmon't Beach
Distance : 0.65 KM
Las Tortuguitas Bungalows
Distance : 1.42 KM
La Playa
Distance : 2.66 KM
Kokoa Hotel Vichayito
Distance : 3 KM
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Puerto Antiguo Entrada calle los Pinos, Condominio Inkawasi., Los Órganos (show map)
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Hotel Overview
Set 200 metres from the beach, in Los Órganos, Ecodelfinazul features a garden, and a swimming pool located 70 metres from the property which can be accessed for an extra fee.Boasting luggage storage space, this property also provides guests with a restaurant. Some rooms at the property include a balcony and views of the ocean. American breakfast is included.Máncora is 11 km from the guest house, while Vichayito is 2.5 km from the property. The nearest airport is Talara Airport, 47 km from the property.
This hotel may have changed name or is no longer bookable via
Hotels Nearby
Villa Mia Boutique
Distance : 0.14 KM
Casa Norte North Beach
Distance : 0.27 KM
Bungalows Rupay Wasi
Distance : 0.44 KM
Hotel Puerto Antiguo
Distance : 0.45 KM
Edelmon't Beach
Distance : 0.65 KM
Las Tortuguitas Bungalows
Distance : 1.42 KM
La Playa
Distance : 2.66 KM
Kokoa Hotel Vichayito
Distance : 3 KM